About The College

The global population is in rise however the number of health care workers is decreasing relatively. More and more nurses are migrating abroad that is leading India to face an acute shortage of faculty and clinical practitioners. This necessitates the initialization of more and more nursing educational institutions to meet local, national and global demand for health care providers. Today’s demand is nurses with university degree. These nurses provide leadership in various health care settings and also quality care to individuals in need of health care. In order to respond to these demands and needs and to be able to prepare nurses for national health care delivery program; it was resolved in 2012 to start Basic B. Sc nursing course in St. Barnabas Hospital College of Nursing, (SBHCON) Ranchi. SBHCON came into existence in the year 2015 with motto of Education, Service, Leadership & Innovation. Its overall aim of nursing programme is to prepare graduate Nurses to work as frontline worker in the clinical and community field and educational arena. The SBHCON aims to create leaders in the nursing professionals by providing unique, innovative programmes that are responsive to the market need, keeping in mind the rapid advance in the health care sector in India. The curriculum emphasizes on a holistic approach to nursing care, in order to ensure an all round growth of the nursing students. Student nurses are trained to meet the standards of professionalism and maintain the highest standard of clinical practice. The parent hospital of the college is St. Barnabas Hospital that provides the necessary clinical experience for the students pursuing this hospital based academic programme. The Govt of Jharkhand granted permission to start the courses by its order no. Indian Nursing Council recognizes our B. Sc nursing program with permission of 40 seats. Jharkhand Nursing Council also recognizes our college of nursing. College is affiliated to Ranchi University.
Meet our Officials


The St. Barnabas Hospital College of Nursing, Ranchi is managed by Diocese of Chotanagpur, Ranchi of Church of North India through its Chotanagpur Diocesan Educational Society.
The mission of the St. Barnabas Hospital College of Nursing is to promote excellence & innovative education based upon Christian principles and core values of nursing for preparing professional nurses, nurse leaders & nurse educators who will engage themselves in lifelong learning in order to make a positive difference in the health of individuals and community.
Our Motto
St. Barnabas Hospital College of Nursing envisions itself as an institution for developing clinically prepared, scientifically oriented & technologically competent professional nurses, leaders and educators through excellent and innovative education based on Christian principles and the core values of nursing.
Our Values

- Student Centered Education
- Flexible Learning Environment
- Accountability & Ownership for Our Efforts
- Integrity In All we Do
- Efficiency & Effectiveness in Our Work
- Innovation through Observation & Creativity
- Lifelong Learning To Improve & Remain Updated
- Holistic & Client Centered Care
- Excellence to Demons trate Commitments to Quality
- Empowering Our Students